As a member of the Savvy Social Tribe, in addition to posts automatically shared in your Customer Facebook Group, you also get access to a monthly marketing plan and custom images for your business. Today I'm going to show you how to access all of these images and your monthly marketing plan!
First, navigate to This page is password protected – current members of the Savvy Social Tribe can get the password to this page in their monthly email that arrives on the first of every month.
Once you've logged in to this page scroll down to the Monthly Marketing Plan & Photos section. After reading the instructions, click the button that says “Click here to access your monthly marketing plan.” This will open a new tab with the Google Drive folder that contains your photos and marketing plan.
You can download each file individually by hovering over the file and clicking the downward arrow that appears in the top left corner of the file.
You can download the entire folder as a Zip file by clicking “Download All” in the upper right corner of the screen.
Please note: This folder is on file for you to access during the current month and you may not be able to access it after the current month. If you want to keep these files for future use, be sure to save them on your personal device by clicking “Download All.”