How to Stop Paying Yourself Minimum Wage

Written by: Keleigh Lauermann

We’re inching closer to my favorite time of year, and I could not be MORE excited! I may not be the one jumping all over the infamous Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (although I make a mean one at home!), but I am ALL about pumpkins and Fall and sweater weather and that crispness in the air that you just can’t find anywhere else in the world (trust me–I’ve lived all over and tried!). 


Excuse me while I go light my sweet pumpkin candle, close my eyes, and breathe in the beauty that is Fall.

It’s that calm before the holiday season begins, at which point, it just feels like a mad rush to the finish line–in our businesses and in our personal lives. But you know what?…I’m going to let you in on a secret: the calm doesn’t have to end when the last leaves fall!

Have you ever found yourself scouring Google and Pinterest for the PERFECT facial box sign, product promo, New Consultant Packet, recruiting brochure, or the perfect hostess pamphlet that will be sure to maximize your hours during the crucial holiday season? Girl, we’ve all been there, and some of us are still there.

Remember that “failed” housewarming party from a couple weeks ago? I have a whole slew of Pinterest boards laying out ideas for every area of the house, even down to the bathroom tile stenciling I want to do…but then BAM! All of a sudden, two (er…three?) hours have gone by, and truth be told, even though I’ve searched high and low, I still feel like I’m leaving empty-handed and will find myself “needing” to search again so I can find JUST the right image to portray what I’ve dreamt up in my head. (You may laugh, but I know I’m not alone!)


I’ve been guilty of the same thing in my business. I joined in order to make some extra money and meet new people, but I found myself spending HOURS online searching for the right materials to share with my customers and team. It always seemed like I was settling for something dated, unprofessional (tacky clip-art, anyone?), gimmicky, and honestly, just so overdone. I was NOT enjoying those finer moments of Fall anymore, and even worse, I was spending so much time on Google and Pinterest that I wasn’t feeling the monetary reward of all the time invested in my business. 


Consider this…

How much money was saved DIYing it for two hours and settling for something less than ideal? I’ll give you a hint: None. I’m a numbers person, and ya’ll, if you add it up, you are paying yourself less than minimum wage! (So you’ve actually LOST money doing it this way!!)

How much money was lost because your business tools didn't attract high-quality leads or were poorly designed, and therefore, your customer never even paid attention to them? 

How much money was lost by never actually finishing your DIY project because you felt discouraged by the time two (read: three or more) hours had gone by, and you didn't find the unicorn tool you were hoping to find?

I decided I was done with the outdated, over-used tools and done with wasting so much time trying to get it right. I wanted something that brought me back to my sweet pumpkin spice scents and the beauty of the season. I wanted something that encompassed it all and looked like the on-trend boss babe I really was. And girl, I wanted to actually be paid decently for my time!

Today, I’m sharing one place you SHOULD DIY it in your business…. And one place that will literally cost you thousands of dollars if you CONTINUE trying to DIY it. So let’s start here: 

Where you SHOULD DIY it in your business?

  • Contacting your leads – the reason your customers buy from you specifically is because…. It’s YOU! They could buy from anyone, anywhere, but the personal connection you built with them makes you different from everyone else and draws them to you. So when it comes to contacting leads, DIY it girl. Personalize scripts with names and personal info. Better yet…. Pick up the phone and have an authentic conversation. Remember: no one is you and that truly is your superpower.

And where should you NOT DIY it in your business?

The system you have in place that guides the way you structure your business.

  • I’m talking from the moment you meet your lead for the first time, to the moment you book her, and how you actually ensure her party will be profitable.
  • I’m talking after her party, how you plant the seed of the opportunity and how you follow up to help her become your next new team member.
  • I’m talking the moment she signs her agreement to the moment she builds her team for the first time and everything in between. How do you guide her through her first 30 days so that she is actually successful in her business… and stays in business after 30 days.
  • I’m talking about when your team member is ready to take her side-hustle and turn it into a career as a sales director. What system do you have in place to help her make it through the intense DIQ process?

While these might seem like very separate concepts- they aren’t.  The success of one fuels the other. 

For example, the support your customer receives as a HOSTESS tells her a lot about what kind of support she can expect from you when she becomes a consultant on your team. So you not only need a rock-solid hostess plan in place, but a follow-through process that is sustainable, and a guide to help her when she does you join your team that will give her results right away.

Insert: The Full Circle System

We designed this system after spending years looking at what our Top-Director and National clients are doing. We got to see what works…. And what doesn’t, and pair this birds-eye-view with our marketing expertise to create a system that is game-changing for the hundreds of women using it.

The truth is, You need to be in front of people to make a sale, and if you're in the office on the computer all day that is money – and time – lost. 

And the Full Circle System has one purpose: Give you everything you need to run your business for a one-time cost so you never have to spend hours scouring google again.

So here’s the deal. This is what you can expect from the Full Circle System:

Editable Packets

  • A New Consultant Packet
  • A Recruiting Packet
  • A DIQ Guide
  • 5 Hostess Programs
  • A Full Circle Party Planner

Plus, 60+ individual pages for you to customize & use to create your own packets without having to start from scratch!

Video Coaching & tutorials

  • We've recorded simple, easy to follow training videos teaching you to use our favorite free software to edit your packets so you're empowered to get as custom as you'd like.

Free Updates

  • Yes girl, you heard right. We'll keep an eye on what the company is doing and make sure your packets are always up to date- you'll get an email when a new version is ready to download!
  • Remember when the Beauty Experience became popular, and all of a sudden everyone was scrambling to create materials that coordinated with it? Well, you won't have to. We watch for trends like that and make sure you're equipped with everything you need, automatically.
  • And, if a product changes, the started kit updates, programs are altered, or new prizes are released we're on it. Your packets will be updated and emailed to you automatically.

If you’re ready to start working your business Full Circle and are fed up with spending your time on things that don’t bring you the income you deserve, then click here and check out this special offer! We’re not announcing this offer publicly – only the women who are invested in their business enough to read this far get this crazy deal today.  And girlfriend: that is YOU.

I truly believe that if you are here, right now, then it is your time. It’s your time to feel organized, prepared, and focused so you can build the life of your dreams, and lead your team to do the same.

We don’t have all the time in the world, and while our desire to grow may be unconditional, our time most certainly is NOT.

If you’re ready to take back your time and get back to enjoying all that this season has to offer, then click here, sit back, close your eyes, and inhale the sweet smell of Fall, pumpkin spice, and crisp leaves, and exhale knowing that you just designed the custom New Consultant Packet of your dreams without having to lift a finger or bat an eye.

Namaste, sisters!

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