Whether you're new to marketing on social media, or just getting into the swing of posting consistently you might feel a little overwhelmed at the idea of creating content for an entire month, let alone 12 months in a year.
Today, let’s take a step back and talk about how often you should be posting to market your biz. Because, spoiler alert, you actually don’t have to post every day… and just that knowledge can be incredibly freeing!
What matters most:
What matters more than posting daily is posting consistently. So you might post every other day, or 3 times a week – and that’s completely ok. As long as you keep doing it.
Social media is a long game.
The effort you put in now will continue to pay off for weeks to come. This means that the more consistently you create content that connects with your audience, the better your results will be over time.
You’ll start to notice that the algorithm shows your posts to more people, more people like and comment on your posts, and your audience is warmer, more ready to actually buy from you, because of the work you put in to stay connected.
Moral of the story:
The moral of the story is this: You do NOT need to post every day. The quality of your posts and staying consistent matters WAY more than how often you post. Quality + consistency over quantity!
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating 30 days of content, take a deep breath and know that you don’t have to!
Instead, try posting 3 times a week (10 to 12 posts a month), or every other day (15 posts a month.)
You can always post more later, too. Here's a simple posting schedule you can use to build up you social media marketing muscle:
This month:
2 Posts/wk
Month 2:
3 posts/wk
Month 3:
4 posts/wk
Month 4:
5 posts/wk
Month 5:
6 posts/wk
Month 6:
7 posts/wk
The quality of your content and how consistently you show up definitely has a much bigger impact than the volume of posts that you share!
So show up consistently and intentionally and don't put too much pressure on yourself to keep up with a frequency of posting that feels exhausting and overwhelming. You can always start small and do more as you feel more comfortable.
Baby steps, my friend!