009. Creating an exceptional client experience with Lauren Kasle

 Hosted by Keleigh Lauermann  

Customer service, customer experience… tomAYto, tomAHto, right? Not exactly!

Today I’m talking with client experience specialist Lauren Kasle about what it really means to have a world-class customer experience and how customer service is really just one small part of that bigger picture.

Get ready to learn how you can work smarter-not-harder by building an experience that creates loyal fans for life!

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The Highlights:

Short & sweet episode highlights

What is customer experience?

How is it different from customer service?

How paying attention to your customer experience can actually save you time and money

How to use your customer experience to stand out in a crowded market of people selling the same products and service as you

Specific, actionable steps to help you get started creating an exceptional experience for your customers

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