Lead magnets are by far one of the best ways to get new leads whether you’re a direct seller, network marketer, or online business owner. Because they trade a freebie for leads, instead of trading time or money for leads, their return on investment is significantly higher. But before you can experience any ROI, you've first got to share your lead magnet. So today, I'm sharing my top 4 FREE ways to share a lead magnet for more opt-ins and sign ups!
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Episode Transcript
30. 4 Free Ways to Promote Your Lead Magnet
You might be in business for yourself, but you don't have to be by yourself. My name is Kelly Lauer Minh, and I'm here to help you stand out in a crowded market, work smarter, not harder, and build a profitable business that lasts a lifetime. Whether you're feeling a little in over your head stuck on the same old way of doing things that you happen for years, or you have a to do list a mile long and just don't know where to start, you're in the right place. Marketing Strategy, getting leads money management, growing your team. To build it like a business podcast is your one stop shop for everything you need to ditch the side hustle mindset and truly build it like a business. Let's dive in.
Hey, friend, Kelly, here, I'm so excited to have you back for another episode of the build that like a business podcast. And I cannot wait to talk to you about today's topic, which is all about how you can share your lead magnet to get more leads to get more opt ins, which is really the lifeline of your business. So I cannot wait to dive right into this. But before we do, I get to roll it back a little bit just in case you're not sure what a lead magnet is. Or maybe you've kind of heard of it, but it's a little bit fuzzy. So you want some clarification. Let's go ahead and talk about that first, because lead magnets are by far one of the best if not the best way to get new leads in your business. And this is for any type of business. So whether you're a direct seller, whether you own a pizza restaurant, whether you're a service provider, maybe building websites, or you're a photographer, or you any type of business, it doesn't matter. lead magnets are used literally everywhere, and they've been used for so long, it's unbelievable. And that's because they convert really well. And it's really easy to use them to get new leads. But of course, what the heck is a lead magnet. So a lead magnet, the short and sweet version is something that you give away for free in exchange for a person's contact information and permission to market to them. For example, you might trade a free guide that you made, or a free mini course or something similar. If that person wants your free thing, your free guide that you made, or your course or whatever it is, they have to sign up for it by giving you their name and email address and permission to market to them using their name and email address. So basically, you're saying, Hey, I'll give you this thing. If you let me market to you, and you give me your contact info. So it's an exchange, you're solving a problem you're providing value with whatever your free thing is. And then they are saying, yep, you can send me emails, you can like offer me your product, that's fine in exchange for giving me this free thing. So that's what a lead magnet is. Anything that you give away for free in exchange for contact information, and permission to market to that person, quite literally, like you can picture it in your head as a magnet that's attracting leads. And there are tons of different types of lead magnets. So if you think about your life, you've probably experienced at least some really basic ones. So earlier I said like, you could use a lead magnet even if you're a pizza place. Well, that's actually a really common place to use a lead magnet. Have you ever gone on like the Domino's website and they say enter your email address. And we'll give you a coupon for a free appetizer with your pizza. That's a lead magnet, you entered your email and said You can email me in exchange for this coupon for a free appetizer. You might also see this on a website where it pops up and it's like get free shipping, enter your email below or 10% off your first order. Enter your email below. Those are all lead magnets. If you've been in the anchor design code space for a while, you've probably also see this from me, I use lead magnets all the time. They're the number one form of finding new leads that I've used since day one in my business. The reason for that is because they convert no matter where you are in your business, whether you're brand new like I was when I first started using them, or you've been doing this for a few years and you have an established business like I am now. An example of a lead magnet that I've used is I have a service called the savvy social tribe. And so in this service, I give my savvy social tribe members done for you social media content, so like ready to post, their entire 30 days of social media content is ready to go every single month, that's all done for them. So what I wanted with my lead magnet was to find people who might be interested in this service, and to be able to give them something that would help solve the problem of using social media for marketing, right, like, I know that the person who's interested in this service is going to be someone who needs some extra support marketing on social media. And so in order to find that person, I created a lead magnet that was designed to help that specific person. And so my lead magnet is five free social media post captions. And so you can download these five free captions, you can actually download them like you listening to this can go and download them, if you want to see what it looks like, if you go to anchor design co.com slash free captions. And so someone will download those there. And so that does a couple of things, you as the person downloading them will, you know, have a solution to your problem, you need a little more support on social media, and I gave you something that's going to directly help you get more leads and grow your business and connect with your audience on social media. So that's the, that's the magnet side of it. And so on the flip side, in exchange for this free thing that I've given you, that really helps you that really solves a problem for you. You're saying, Yeah, you can email me, I really appreciate this thing you gave me. And so yeah, here's my email, go ahead and send me a couple of messages. And so that's an exchange, that's a lead magnet. So the idea is that whatever your lead magnet is, it genuinely gives some value to the person that is receiving it. And it helps you attract. See, this is where the magnet comes in. It helps you attract people that would be interested in your business or your service. So like I said, I have a service that helps people create content for social media. And so I created a lead magnet that specifically solved the problem of creating content for social media, it was sort of a taste of what this actual services. And so now I'm connecting with really relevant people, people that I can genuinely help that I can genuinely support, instead of trying to share my service with someone who like, totally does not care and doesn't need it, which is a waste of their time. And I never want to waste somebody's time. And it's not going to be helpful for me to do because I'm basically going to be talking to someone who's like, I don't care what you're saying. So please stop talking to me. Instead of being in that situation, I can actually connect with people who genuinely care and genuinely need what I have to offer. And that's what you deserve in your business too. Because Can you imagine how much easier it would be to actually work your business, if you had really relevant people in front of you who genuinely were interested in what you have to offer. So that is the power of a lead magnet, I get really excited about this, because they really do work. And they really allow you to serve your audience, there's a lot of different ways that you can get leads, some of which are not as ethical, I guess you could say, they're just not as nice as others. And I love lead magnets because they actually give you an opportunity to support the people in front of you and serve the people in front of you. And then in turn, create these long term relationships and connections with people that actually care about what you have to say, and who you genuinely want to support. So it's just a really symbiotic relationship that you're creating when you use a lead magnet. So that is my short version of what a lead magnet is turned along. And so now what I want to do in this episode is share a couple of really easy ways that you can actually promote your lead magnet. So at this point, you've created your lead magnet and you're ready to start putting it out into the world, you're ready to go find the people who are actually interested in whatever your lead magnet is. So for mine, I would be looking for people who need support on social media. And so I would need to go out and find them somewhere and I would need to share my lead magnet with them. So that's what we're talking about today is how you would go out and actually share your lead magnet so that people can sign up for it. So right off the bat, one of the easiest ways to share your lead magnet and put it out into the world is through Facebook groups that are full of your ideal cases. So you're not just going to go and find a Facebook group and like post it and ghost it right? Most groups don't allow you to just like stroll on in, post your pitch and then leave, that would just make for a really crappy Facebook group, right? Because everybody would be doing that the whole group would turn into people pitching their free things. So don't go and start joining groups like while you're listening this podcast episode, don't go and like swipe to Facebook and start posting your thing everywhere. Don't
do that.
Let's talk about what you're gonna do instead. So instead, you're going to start scrolling through all of the most recent posts in that group, and you're going to start answering any question that relates to your lead magnet or your business. And when you do, you're going to give the best dang answer around like, really put thought and a few minutes of time into writing your response and answering the original posters question. This is your opportunity to show that you're an expert in what you're doing. And someone that's worth trusting, like, you know, your stuff. So these are not just like one liner responses. These are not like really short responses, you're going to go into detail for this person, you're going to treat them like they're in a private consultation with you and you're about to change their life with your answer. And it's not a pitch, you're just answering their question and helping them you're genuinely helping them. And then when you're done with your comments, you've delivered this amazing value, you were just a total rock star, helping them out and giving them the information that they were looking for at the end of your comment. That is when you might say something like, I actually have a free guide that you might like, it's all about how to xy and z, here's the link, if you want to check it out. And then you would just add the link to download your lead magnet. So for example, if you have an anchor card, digital business card, and that is how you deliver your lead magnet, you would write that out at the end of your comment. And then you would add your anchor card digital business card link, so that they could click through and download your lead magnet. And what this does is you've built trust with this person really quickly. Because they asked a question and then you just delivered this knock your socks off answer that actually genuinely helped them. So they got to the end of your question. And they were like, Oh, that's exactly what I was looking for. This is amazing. Like, I love this person. And then they see you saying, we can keep this party going, just go download my free thing over here. And at that point, they're like, yeah, I'm totally in, you just like blew my mind with your amazing comment. I want in on whatever this free thing is that you have to offer. So that is how you share your lead magnet in Facebook groups. And now what you can do is you can actually build this into your weekly marketing metrics, your marketing work that you do. So maybe you work it into your schedule, where every Thursday, you sit down and you go to three different Facebook groups. And you comment on the most recent five posts that are relevant to your business and to your lead magnet and leave those types of comments. So if you think about that, that's three groups, I think I said three groups, times five posts, well, that's 15 potential new leads. But you could even amp that up. If you have more time on your hands. Maybe you do that three times a week, and you spend a half an hour three times a week. So now you have what is that 15 3045 different potential leads, that could all download your lead magnet. And it's not just the person that originally posted that sees your response. And it's like, this is mind blowing amazing, I want their lead magnet, it's everybody else who's reading that post and scrolling through the responses. So right off the bat, you of course, could potentially make a connection with the person who posted but you can also make connections with anyone else who happens to see your comments. So this is a really, really, really easy and free way to get your lead magnet out into the open. Alright, so that first method of sharing your lead magnet requires some effort, like you have to work this into your schedule and go out and do the thing, right. So I want to follow that up with another option that's a little more simple, it's a little more passive. And that is to add the link to download your lead magnet to your email signature and you would include like a catchy call to action. So this is really simple. You basically set it and forget it until you actually change your lead magnet again. So let's say you change your lead magnet every six months, like twice a year you update your lead magnet and give it a refresh. Well then every every six months, you would change it in your email signature. The reason you do this is because people are looking at your email signature either way when you email them. So there might as well be a call to action in there, that helps them take another step to continue working with you. Every time you email someone, they can now see your lead magnet, they see your call to action. And again, you would share your link. So if you have an anchor card, digital business card, this is where you would say something like download a free blank so that you can blah, blah, blah, at my anchor card, comm slash whatever your anchor card URL is, and then they'd actually be able to download that. So the first way of sharing your lead magnet is active, it requires some work, it requires scheduling into your week. And then this second way of sharing your lead magnet is much more passive, it's something that you should just have set up and in place no matter what there's really no reason not to. It's that simple. And so the last one is sort of in between these two, and this is going to be to write an educational post about something relating to your lead magnet, and then at the end of your post, you would actually promote your lead magnet. And now when I say write an educational post, I mean, you can do this, whatever way works for you. So you could write a blog post, if you have a blog, you could write a social media post if you use Facebook. And that's where you do most of your connecting. You could potentially even do this in an email. But blog posts and social media posts have the potential to be shared over and over again, where an email does not. So I would probably stick to something that you can share multiple times just to make sure that the work you're doing lasts a little bit longer, and extends a little bit further. So this is one of the best ways that you can promote your lead magnet, because what you do is you start by delivering tons of value you give give, give give give, in your post, you could teach how to do something, you could maybe bust a myth about your industry that you know people are curious about, you could be like play the role of a reporter and update people on trends that are happening in the industry, you have so many options here. But the point is to think about what your audience is actually interested in, if there's a question they have that you could answer, if there's something they're struggling with, that you could potentially help them with, all relating back to your lead magnet in a small way at least. And then at the end of giving all this value of helping your customer have served or helping your lead the person reading it of serving them. That's when you would ask for something in return for the person who's reading it to sign up for your lead magnet and give you permission to market to them. by delivering tons of value right before you ask for something, you're more likely to get a yes, because you've actually proven that you're someone worth trusting someone who really knows their stuff. And someone that the person signing up for your lead magnet, someone that they're actually going to want in their inbox on a regular basis. Know the post itself doesn't have to be the exact same topic as your lead magnet. Instead, it's actually better if it's about something related in a small way. That way, at the end, you're building on the knowledge you just shared, not reinventing the wheel. Because if you think about it, if somebody just read this really amazing blog post or social media posts about how to do X, Y, and Z, and then your lead magnet is about how to do the exact same thing. There's not really a reason for them to download the lead magnet. And but if you say okay, my customer has this problem. That problem really has two parts. In my social media post, I'm going to address the first part. And then in my lead magnet, I'm going to address the second part of the problem. Well, now you're really giving them a reason to actually want to download your lead magnet because you're saying, Okay, I'm going to solve part one for you. Here you go. Let me blow your mind at this amazing content. And then at the end, you're like, Listen, I know there's more to this. Like I know this solved most of your problem, but it doesn't quite solve the whole thing. You can learn like I've got the information for you just click here and download my lead magnet. And that is when you would link your anchor card or you would link whatever you use to automate the lead magnet delivery process. One of the really nice things about doing it this way and this is why I said do like a blog post or a social media post more so than an email in this case. Is because you can actually reshare it over and over and over and over again. So let's say you're doing this on social media, because that's like the baseline. So you're sharing this amazing post on social media, it really solves a problem for somebody. And then you know, a couple of weeks goes by it gets pushed down in the Facebook feed, and it's not really getting any traction anymore, people aren't really seeing it. Well, let's say you're doing your Facebook group scrolling that we were talking about earlier, and someone asks a question related to that blog post. Well, now you have a couple options. You can of course, do the same thing we already talked about. But you could also link them to the blog post or the social media post. Or you could even take what you wrote in that blog or social media post, condense it a little smaller and use that as your response to the person who's asking you a question in one of the Facebook groups. So that you basically have a little FAQ that you can pull from you. If they ask that question, why not use the work you already did to help answer it. Okay, so now there's one more way that you can share your lead magnet that I want to talk about. This is a little bit more passive, but it does require some work up front, and that is Pinterest. So Pinterest is a massively powerful tool when it comes to lead generation because it's actually not social media. It's a search engine. If you think about how you use Pinterest. Do you ever go on Pinterest and start chatting with friends? And like talking with people? No, you go on Pinterest to search for things. You search for a new recipe, you search for inspiration for your house, you search for craft ideas. When you visit Pinterest, you're searching for something you're looking for answers you're not going on and starting conversations. So this means that it's the perfect place to share a lead magnet, which more often than not, if you're doing it right, your lead magnet answers a question or solves a problem for your ideal customer. And because people are already on Pinterest searching for answers, they're more likely to be receptive to you offering something for them to download that answers their question or solves their problem, you're providing exactly what they were looking for in the first place. Now, the other thing that's great about Pinterest is that you can share the same content multiple times a day, over and over again, and it's only going to extend your reach. This isn't like Facebook, where you can only share one post one time, you can't really like reshare the same thing all the time. As long as you change things just a tiny bit on Pinterest, you can share as much as your heart desires. So you could change the image a little bit, maybe you have like a Pinterest template and Canva. And you change the background from pink to blue. That counts as changing something or the caption, you can change your caption to the pin a little bit that counts as changing something. And so now you could potentially share this same pin once a week, every week indefinitely as long as it's relevant to your audience. And Pinterest will continue showing it to new people. So what you would do is in the image for your pin, which I mentioned it before, about using Canva. I love Canva I think it's about as close to a professional design software as you can get without the overwhelm or price of a professional design software. It's free. If you want to use the paid version, it has some advanced features, you can use my link to get a referral, which will give you a 30 day free trial. So just go to anchor design co.com slash Canva if you want to try that. But basically when you go in there, go to go to Canva and search in the search bar for Pinterest templates. And you're going to get
tons and tons and
tons and tons of different templates you can use. So pick one that you like that looks good to you change the colors, adjust the text, like what it says just make sure that it looks good and looks on brand for you. And then the text is going to be something that hooks people to get them to want to download your thing. So like, you know, download a free blah, blah, blah, that will help you blah, blah, blah or learn how to do X, Y and Z and just three steps, something like that, right? Like something that makes people look at it and go oh, yeah, that's going to answer my question and then they click on it. And then the link you're going to add to it in Pinterest when you're actually sharing the pin. This image that you created, the link is going to be to your lead magnet. So you would link to your anchor card you would link to your website, whatever you have, wherever it is that you share your lead magnet, that's where you're going to direct that traffic. And then from there, you can save it on your Pinterest boards. And again, you can read Share it regularly, you can just adjust the colors a little bit and or change the text, maybe do a different title on your image that you create. But now you can reshare this over and over and over again to reach a lot of new people relatively quickly. So there you have it, my friend for quick and easy free ways to promote your lead magnet so that you can get more qualified, hot leads in your business. I hope that this was helpful for you. And if you're ready to start using lead magnets in your business, I'd love to invite you to try the anchor card digital business card for free at get anchor card comm anchor card digital business card has a feature that helps you completely automate the lead magnet delivery process. So from getting people to sign up to actually emailing them automatically when they sign up for your lead magnet, the entire process is completely automated and super simple to set up. So that once you have your lead magnet ready, it's a matter of minutes between actually getting it set up, and then starting to share it with your audience. So it's the fastest way to get up and running with your lead magnets, you can start getting new leads. And as a free bonus, when you start your free trial of the anchor card digital business card, I'm actually going to give you a Canva editable lead magnet design template so that all you need to do is come up with what you want your lead magnet to be about. And then you can just plug it into a premade template, you can just adjust the colors, but you don't have to design from scratch. So that's going to help you cut down a ton of time and actually creating your lead magnet and help you get up and running much faster. So if you'd like to grab that free bonus, and try the anchor card, digital business card completely free, head on over to get anchor card.com. Either way, I hope that this has been super helpful for you and that you're going to take some of these ideas and start implementing them right away to start growing your leads and finding new qualified people to do business with people that are excited to be in your space and really genuinely care about what you have to offer because that is who you deserve to be working with.
All right.
If you decide to use one of these tips, please share on Instagram and tag me in your Instagram stories. I would absolutely love to know which ones you try. It absolutely makes my day when you do share and tag me so I will keep my eye out. I cannot wait to see what you try. And I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you back here next Tuesday. Same time, same place. Bye for now. Three cheers to you. You just wrapped up another episode of the build it like a business podcast. Want to keep the party going. Head on over to anchor design co.com slash podcast to find show notes, free business tools and links to everything mentioned in today's episode. And if you're looking for a community of women who are dedicated to building sustainable, profitable businesses that you can network with, come on over and join us in the build it like a business Facebook group. There's a seat waiting for you inside the community find a link to join at anchor design co.com slash podcast
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