You're on your way to your best holiday yet!

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Over the next few weeks I'll be in your inbox with helpful tips, strategies, and support so that you can prepare for your most profitable holiday yet

Reply to any of these emails if you need extra help, I'm here for ya!

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You might be in business for yourself but you don't have to be by yourself.

Our free Facebook community is the perfect place to get support, share ideas, network, and learn!

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You've got your strategy, now you just need the tools! The Holiday Bundle is a gorgeously branded, 100% customizable suite of sales, marketing, and merchandising tools that help you save time, look professional, and make more money during the holidays!

Hey, I'm Keleigh!

I help direct sellers build profitable businesses without sacrificing their time & values.

Hey new friend, I'm so glad you're here!

I'm Keleigh and I’m here to help you stand out in a crowded market, work smarter not harder, and build a profitable business that lasts a lifetime.

Over the years, I've worked with thousands of direct sellers, from brand-new to million-dollar earners, who struggled to create a strategic marketing plan and follow through on it..They got stuck spending hours scrolling Pinterest and Google, picking out the “perfect” wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby, wasting precious time that would have been perfect for income-producing activities/

But you don't have that kind of time to waste the busiest (and most lucrative) time of the year.

Some people will try to tell you that marketing is an art, but that's not the truth. Marketing is a skill. Marketing is science.

Which means you can learn it, even if you feel totally overwhelmed by the idea of holiday planning right now.

That's exactly why you're here with me. So you don't have to figure it out alone. So you can learn to make a plan that is actually sustainable. So you can learn how to follow through on that plan without sacrificing your values or your time.

The holidays should be fun. They should be relaxing. And together, we're going to make a plan to make that happen. Let's do this!

xo, Keleigh

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