Top 10 Ways to be a Lady Leader Instead of a Boss Babe

Written by: Keleigh Lauermann

Last week we talked about training new team members, but I felt like we should take things a step further…

This year’s company focus was on looking out onto a Sea of Reds–developing teams of teams. You all worked incredibly hard to develop leaders of leaders, and thousands are getting packed up to head out on Destination Red to celebrate that hard-earned success. Congratulations, friends!

What can help maintain that momentum and continue to grow the Sea?

The solution lies in developing and refining leadership skills. What areas can you focus on in order to better inspire your team

Top 10 Differences Between a Boss and a Leader

A boss gives answers.

A leader seeks solutions.When a consultant comes to you with a question, before answering right away, help her to find the answer by asking questions. Self-discovery will in turn lead to autonomy which improves self-confidence and increases her own leadership abilities. For example, if a consultant asks when an event is, you have two choices. You can be a boss and just give her the answer, OR you can be a leader and help her seek the solution. If you post your calendar of events in your Team Facebook Group or on your Unit Website, ask her if she has checked those and direct her there. This will help her to build self-accountability rather than relying on you to always keep her accountable.

  • A boss counts value. A leader creates value.Instead of picking favorites and deciding that some consultants are “more valuable” because they are more involved and more active in ordering, focus on creating value for EACH team member. Look for ways to encourage all of your team members. Ask yourself each week or month: “How am I creating value for my team?”
  • A boss creates a circle of power. A leader creates a circle of influence.For a boss, being in charge of a team is about control and maintaining a level of power. She finds pleasure in being recognized for the marvelous work she is doing. On the other hand, a leader gets pleasure out of seeing others rewarded for their hard work and passion.
  • A boss tells what to do. A leader teaches why and how.I’ll give a great practical illustration of a being a leader: If you want your new consultant to follow certain steps in her first 30 days, she needs to understand why they are important. Our free New Consultant 30 Day Checklist shows what steps to follow, which is fantastic! If we stop there, however, we’re just a boss telling our new consultants what to do. There’s a reason that even as kids we are always asking “Why?” We can take it a step further with the New Consultant Packet that explains WHY the steps are important.

A boss looks for quick fixes and focuses on right now.

A leader seeks sustainable solutions and focuses on what’s right.Looking at the here and now, a boss cares about the present and finding the trick that will get then through a quick fix. A leader, on the other hand, is consistently looking toward the future and putting into place systems that are sustainable and will grow a legacy.

  • A boss is a know-it-all and defends her ego. A leader reveals vulnerability and is always willing to learn.I think this one can be a hard one for many of us. We hate to be vulnerable and want to have all the answers. Our tried and true methods work, so why reinvent the wheel? I made it to where I am doing x, y, z, and I didn’t have to do e, f, or g, so you shouldn’t either. A boss defends her ego and thinks her way is the only way. To truly be vulnerable and always willing to listen, learn, and grow…those are the signs of a true leader.
  • A boss equates success to her title and rank in the company. A leader defines success as the impact her team has on others.Similarly, a boss looks at her title as Director or Executive Director or National Sales Director as an account of her success. She feels like she’s “finally arrived” because she now has this or that ranking. A leader serves as an influence to her team, encouraging them and propelling them onward and see their impact as her true success.
  • A boss inspires fear. A leader generates enthusiasm.

Even during the challenging times, a leader stays positive and consistently seeks solutions with enthusiasm. This also works to inspire trust and integrity. Bosses are driven by fear and control.

  • A boss wants you to perform. A leader wants you to feel successful.Sure, we could conveniently fail to encourage our team members to build teams and become directors. We could bring in more money if we didn’t have consultants branching off into their own units. A boss wants to stay your boss. A leader, however, wants you to do better!
  • Ultimately, a boss looks out for her own growth. A leader creates more leaders.A boss uses people. It’s all about ME, ME, ME. I need my team to order in order for ME  to reach MY goal. A leader, however, develops people.Her goal is to see her team members thrive! As new consultants, she gives them the tools they need to grow, motivating them with the how and why

My belief is that we should always be in the mindset of training people to replace us. If you’re a Red Jacket, you should be thinking of how you can train and encourage and LEAD your team to become Red Jackets and REPLACE YOU. You’re a Director? Who are you training to replace you? 

When our thoughts turn from “me”-centered to “we”-centered, I can promise you that everything you’re aspiring to for your personal goals will transpire…but it will come about authentically rather than forced or pushed.

Your job now is to implement a system in your business—whether you buy our ready-to-use system or you build it from scratch—to help LEAD your team and continue to grow that Sea of leaders!

Are you reading to be the Leading Lady your team needs, but need the tools to make it happen?

Download our New Consultant 30 Day Checklist FREE!

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